My Rained Parade

Yesterday was one of those days where almost everything that could go wrong did go wrong. What did I ever do to upset whatever deity is out there? Nothing (I think), all I’ve done is try to be a wonderful teenage girl. But no, the world just had to say, “I’m about to give you a million problems all at once.” The world is just lovely isn’t it?

Here’s what happened (OMG!! I just sounded like Monk! To all you Monk friends out there). In English my teacher handed out our essays back and I was really anxious to see what I got because I really hate her (my English teacher, the first and only teacher that I don’t like) and I’ve been having a hard time in her class. Well, at the end of my essay, where she writes her comments, she said, “come see me after class. You got off topic from your thesis and I would hope that in an essay like this you would use more quotations. We’ll decide your grade then.” Isn’t that peachy? So I go to talk to her and she says, “I know you’re going through a learning curve, and your trying to get used to the high standards that this school has and your old schools didn’t have.” Okay, so my old schools weren’t as demanding as this one, but I loved them, so please don’t put them down. “I’m going to let you rewrite your thesis, topic sentences and the concluding paragraph and I hope that brings your grade up.” …bring my grade up from what? You never gave me an original grade. Actually, she’s being really nice (in her own really awkward way) by letting me get points back. I’m guessing this means she likes me, but shes not helping me either. Like showing me how to make my essay better would have been helping me. So that was the first disaster (grades are really important to me, so yeah it was a disaster, especially since all my friends got A’s and I had to say, “I did pretty good” because really, what else am I supposed to say? Something like, “Yeah, your favorite teacher, well she won’t even give mine a grade because she thought I’m going through a learning curve.” …that wouldn’t go over well.) Then I went to crew practice, and because our school is really safe, I left my things in front of my locker like all the other girls. My backpack was gone. My sports back was still there. So I ran around the school trying to find it and asking people. Then I went outside (I was getting pretty desperate) and there it was, outside in the freezing cold with some of the zippers open. It had been out there awhile because my laptop which had been inside was frozen, but thankfully nothing was missing. So I’m now trying to figure who doesn’t like me enough, to do that. I know some people don’t like me because not everyone always likes you… I just don’t know who yet. Then the third and final disaster. While I was running around I went passed my mailbox (where people can put stuff in there for you, everyone has their own) and there was a graded paper from Spanish. I only glanced at it because it was so bad, but I’m pretty sure it was a C or below… at the end of last quarter I barely scraped and A. I’m expected to get all A’s… even if it didn’t happen last quarter and I had a breakdown about it.

So yes, lovely day right? I spent the rest of the night doing homework, and barely slept because I’m now really stressed. I have circles under my eyes and I’ve been told by three people I look like crap. I never look like crap. Now I have to face the world and make it through. I would say, at least I can sleep in and spend tomorrow free. Nope. I have a practice ACT tomorrow morning and then I promised my friend I would go to the school play where she finally got a part and it’s really important to her. Sunday, I might be able to get out of going to church and being able to sleep if I look like I’m dead, which is very possible. Thanksgiving, please come soon.

Hope everyone’s day will go better than my yesterday. 🙂

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